Dental Education in Video
"All of the videos in Dental Education in Video are produced by ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) providers and demonstrate current procedures, techniques, and skills. These partners include the Global Institute for Dental Education (gIDE), the premiere provider of dental education courses in more than 100 countries, and HDiQ Dental (HDiQ), the first dental education company to deliver high definition content on the Web". Read more
Cone beam computed tomography [electronic resource] : oral and maxillofacial diagnosis and applications / by D. Sarment
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
"Written for the clinician, Cone Bean Computed Tomography helps the reader understand how CBCT machines operate, perform advanced diagnosis using CT data, have a working knowledge of CBCT-related treatment planning for specific clinical tasks, and integrate these new technologies in daily practice." - Taken from publisher summary.
Handbook of orthognathic treatment [electronic resource] : a team approach / by A. Ayoub, B. Khambay, P. Benington, L. Green, K. Moos, and F. Walker
"Although there has been little change in the fundamentals of orthodontics, maxillofacial technology and orthognathic surgery over the past few decades, some important advances have occurred which have had a profound impact on our clinical practice....In this book we aim to update the reader in these important areas of progress, in addition to covering the basic aspects of orthognathic treatment..." - Taken from preface
Endodontics, 4th edition [electronic resource] / by K. Gulabivala and Y.L. Ng
"This latest book will continue the tradition established in previous editions. It updates and enhances its evidence-based and rationalized clinical approach, whilst upholding the richly illustrated perspective, to serve the visually-dependent learning framework of many aspiring endodontists." - Taken from preface
Dental law in Canada, 2nd edition / by J. Downie, K. McEwen, M. Hadskis, and W. MacInnis
LexisNexis, 2010
"This book is a comprehensive survey of dental-legal issues. It provides a solid grounding in the legal and healthcare systems, delves into the fundamentals of dental law and then explores the most critical matters facing Canadian dental professionals today. The new edition has been fully updated to cover the latest legal and practice developments, including a substantially revised chapter on the Regulation of Dental Research and a brand new chapter on Business Law and Dentistry" - Taken from back cover
Quintessence Publishing, 2012.
"Dr. Abe's new approach to impression taking in removable denture prosthetics deserves particular mention. This further development of the impression taking technique makes a small but decisive difference. The new method developed by Dr. Abe represents an exiting new option in a field that usually merely focuses on technical/mechanical issues, as it allows the specific anatomical features of both the dental soft tissue and the underlying bony structures to be reliably recorded." - Taken from foreword
Quintessence Books, 2013.
"When available, evidence-based literature has been included to provide the reader with scientifically sound and effective diagnostic procedures and treatment is meant to provide insight into and assist the reader with the procedures of evidence-based assessment, diagnosis, and management of orofacial pain conditions, based on the latest scientific knowledge." - Taken from preface
Layers: an atlas of composite resin stratification : powered by StyleItaliano Shade Guides / by J. Manauta and A. Salat
Quintessenza Edizioni, 2012.
"Layers: An Atlas of Composite Resin Stratification is a graphic reference book, using hundreds of images to show step-by-step solutions for enhancing the basic stratification technique and developing advanced dental characteristics in restorations. All of these techniques are applicable to a wide range of esthetic materials. Working with layers not only creates natural-looking beauty in composite resin restorations, but imitates the bioarchitecture of teeth, offering functional and esthetic results." - Taken from back cover
Bugs and drugs: an antimicrobial / infectious disease reference / by E. Blondel-Hill and S. Fryters
Alberta Health Services, 2012.
"Antimicrobial resistance has become a major threat to the successful treatment of many infectious diseases. This book represents an antimicrobial stewardship tool to limit the development of resistance through the judicious use of antibiotics." - Taken from preface
Toothpastes / by C. van Loveren
Karger, 2013.
"Dentists are often asked about which toothpastes are the best or about the benefits of specific ingredients. Furthermore, dentists want to advise their patients on the best way to use toothpaste. After reading this book the dentist, and more generally all those who want to advise on the use of toothpaste, will be able to do so in an evidence-based manner." - Taken from preface
Dental materials at a glance, second edition / by J.A. von Fraunhofer
"Dental Materials at a Glance, Section Edition is the new title in the highly popular At a Glance series. It provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid....Dental Materials at a Glance, Section Edition, covers:
- Each major class of dental material and biomaterial
- Basic chemical and physical properties
- Clinical handling and application
- Complications and adverse effects of materials" - Taken from back cover
Palmeri Publishing Inc., 2013.
"All-in-all, there will be six Basic Rules of Facially Generated Treatment Planning. A Basic Rules of Facially Generated Treatment Planning Check List will summarize the overall concepts of this book and will serve to be a quick clinical reference." - Taken from preface
Elsevier Mosby, 2014
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