Lexi-Comp, c2011
"This visually-cued manual is designed to support the diagnosis and management of oral soft tissue diseases. Lesions are organizerd by diagnostic category and arranged in convenient tabbed sections, providing a user-friendly format for busy dental practitioners. Lesions are illustrated with one or more color photographs that illustrate typical clinical features. Recommendations for patient management, sample prescriptions, and monographs for drugs commonly used in treatment are included." Taken from back cover.
Thieme, c2009
"The revised and updated third edition of Tronstad's Clinical Endontics continues to fill the need for a simple, yet comprehensive textbook in endodontics that serves as an introductory text for dental students, and which is also suitable as a refresher source for general practitioners, postdoctoral students, and endodontists. Having been written by only one author, the book is remarkable for its cohesiveness, clear argumentation, and didactic clarity, which are so important at the introductory level." Taken from back cover.
Quintessence, c2009
"The dental team approach is the future of oral healthcare provision. Team members must have shared goals, understand their roles and responsibilites, and must react to situations as a team. This book promotes the adoption of the team approach in the provision of modern oral healthcare" Taken from back cover.
Understanding NHS dentistry : preparing for the future / by Len D'Cruz, Raj Rattan, Michael Watson
Dental Publishing, c2010
"Following on from the first, highly successful edition of UNDERSTANDING NHS DENTISTRY - which appeared shortly after the introduction of the new dental contract in 2006 - this second edition has veen completely rewritten to take account of the practicalities of working within the new system, and will help prepare the dental team for the changes promised by the new Government.
The long-term success of practices will depend on their grasp of the big picture and their understanding of how commissioning works. With a new vocabularly to acquire and unfamiliar concepts to embrace, dentists have a steep learning curve to master the new systems processes and relationships: this book will help you do that." Taken from back cover.
Handbook of cephalometric superimposition / by Herman S. Duterloo, Pierre-Georges Planché
Quintessence, c2011
"Handbook of Cephalometric Superimposition helps the reader to understand and improve the skills necessary to superimpose accurately. This book is a unique document, above all because of its critical and scientific approach, as well as the extensive amount of information gathered from the literature. This book belongs in the library of every university department as well as in the offices of postgraduate students and orthodontists: a book that I think the orthodontic world has been awaiting for quite some time" Luc R. Dermaut, Taken from foreword, ix.
Saunders/Elsevier, c2009
"Recognize, understand, evaluate, and document diseases and conditions with this atlas-style book! Hundreds of high-quality clinical photographs, radiographs, photomicrographs, and line drawings, plus discussions of normal and disease states, help you easily identify abnormalities." Taken from back cover.
Loading protocols in implant dentistry : edentulous patients / by D. Wismeijer, P. Casentini, G. Gallucci, M. Chiapasco
Quintessence, c2010
"Implant dentistry has become a standard option for the rehabilitation of fully and partially edentulous patients. With the ever-increasing number of clinicians involved in implant dentistry, it is essential to ensure that their treatment methods meet the highest standards [...]
This fourth volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series highlights different approaches to implant treatment in the edentulous jaw. It presents the current evidence base and summarized the most recent ITI Consensus Statements, introducing treatment planning and execution options completed with the appropriate loading protocols. Detailed case studies and illustrations clarify potential ambiguities and complications to help clinicians master the most common challenges." Taken from back cover.
4D implant therapy : esthetic considerations for soft tissue management / by Akiyashi Funato and Tomohiro Ishikawa
Quintessence, c2011
The Alexander discipline volume 2 : long-term stability / by R. G. "Wick" Alexander
Quintessence, c2011
1. Introduction: Begin with Stability in Minds
2. Selective Literature Review on Long-Term Stability
3. Special Considerations in Orthodontics
4. Anterior Torque Control
5. Sagittal Skeletal Alteration and Vertical Skeletal Control
6. Transverse Skeletal Alteration
7. Functional Occlusion and Stability
8. The Smile and Facial Harmony
9. Factors Related to Relapse" Taken from back cover.
Endodontic science / by Carlos Estrela
Editora Artes Médica, c2009
Endodontic Science describes our current knowledge of the principles and practice of endodontic treatment. It is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis, planning and treatment of a variety of conditions encountered by the endodontist. Based on the strong clinical evidence and techniques of a number of researchers and clinicians, the book highlights the best use of endodontic materials in a wide variety of clinical conditions. Beautifully presented, and with over 1700 illustrations, this new book is essential reading for all endodontists, whether in research, teaching or patient-care.
Dental assisting coloring book / by Donna J. Phinney and Judy H. Halstead
Delmare Cengage Learning, c2011
Clinical success in endodontic retreatment / by Stéphane Simon and Wilhelm-Joseph Pertot
Quintessence, c2007
"Endodontic retreatment refers to efforts to manage a tooth that is already compromised and hence technically more difficult to treat, involves greater risks and is more unpredictable clinically compared with a tooth in need of primary treatment.
This book addresses topics such as indications for endodontic retreatment; safe and efficient removal of existing restorations and obturation material; challenges such as fractured instruments, hard pastes, blockages, and negotiation of the canal; treatment of perforations; management of a tooth with a wide-open apex; and assessment of the prognosis and success rate of endodontic treatment." Taken from back cover.
Endo-periodontal lesions / by Edoardo Foce
Quintessence, c2009
"In this book, Dr. Edoardo Foce proposes a straightforward classification system for periodontal pathology based on etiology and his extensive clinical observations. Readers will learn to approach diagnostic dilemmas from a new perspective. Excellent illustrations and ample clinical cases illustrate the dual nature of endo-perio lesions and their treatment." Taken from back cover.
Invisible : esthetic ceramic restorations / by Sidney Kina and August Bruguera
Artes Medicas Dentistry, c2008
Elsevier-Mosby, c2011
2011-2012 CDT : The ADA practical guide to dental procedure codes / by the American Dental Association
American Dental Association, c2010
"CDT is a vital resource...it contains the lastest version of the dental procedure codes effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2012. CDT 2011-2012 includes: 8 news procedure codes, 19 Code revisions, searchable CD-ROM, 100+ questions and answers on the Code and ADA Claim Form, and updated glossary of the dental insurance terminology." Taken from back cover.
Professional responsibility in dentistry : a practical guide to law and ethics / by Joseph P. Graskemper
Wiley-Blackwell, c2011Professional responsibility in dentistry : a practical guide to law and ethics / by Joseph P. Graskemper
"Professional Responsibility in Dentistry: A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics is a book that integrates dental law, risk management, professionalism, and ethics, as all are interrelated in everyday practice. Beyond theory, the fact-based approach of this book shows examples of various situations the dentist may face. Dr. Graskemper addresses a range of topics, from legal concepts and regulation of dentistry to professionalism and ethics...True Cases throughout the book walk readers through real-world examples of complex situations and discuss the proper way to handle them with attention to the legal, ethical, and practice management ramifications." Taken from amazon.ca.
Practice management for the dental team: student workbook, 7th ed. / by Betty Ladley Finkbeinder and Charles Allan Finkbeiner
"...this all-new workbook includes an EagleSoft practice management CD-ROM to provide you hands-on experience with common dental office skills. Interactive exercises help you gain realistic office experience, from learning the technology to managing patient information to completing financial procedures." Taken from back cover.
Thank you to the Canadian Lacrosse Association for donating this book to the Dentistry Library. It includes many hand-drawn illustration of Dr. George Beers, who is considered the father of lacrosse, having written the first book outlining the game's rules. Dr. Beers was a distinguished dentist and first dean of Bishop University's dental college. He was a key player in the establishment of dentistry as a profession and of the development of dental education in Quebec and Canada. The Faculty of Dentistry purchased his personal library, which is still housed in our rare book cabinets and the Thomas Fisher Rare Books library at UofT. To learn more about Dr. Beers'role in lacrosse, please see the book by W.K. McNaught
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